
"Assemblage" is the 3-D version of "collage”. "Found object fragments," "discards," or "throwaways" (artist's work to look at: Schwitters, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Bearden, etc.).

These things are organized by their specific elements. The resulting groups are then arranged into compositions of art.

Extending to many cultures of people living in family, religious, work, and various other groups; We could be viewed as a complex living version of "assemblage”(Webster 1. a group of persons or things gathered or collected).

We have “found” each other by chance; either by blood, common goals, or a certain chemistry. These connections help to formulate new ideas, innovations, and even new generations. John Anderson

Monday, November 28, 2011

#1 “The arts teach children to make good judgements...” by Elliot Eisner

“The arts teach children to make good judgements about qualitative relationships.” “Unlike much of the curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts, it is judgement rather than rules that prevail.” Elliot Eisner
What does this mean to me?  Art teachers make “judgements” for students about rules in classroom management; and decisions about the focus defining limitations for an art project. The art teacher gives assignments with specific goals or parameters for students to work within certain materials, techniques, themes and ideas. From these starting points, students can be show what other artists chose to express based on there own decisions for what was meaningful or interesting to them. Success in the visual arts, or any endeavor, needs a total investment in pursuing something meaningful enough to want to spend time in the hope of some personal growth. 
Personal growth involves gaining knowledge about other subjects as well as learning the process of researching information. Knowledge about a variety of subjects enable one to relate various interests and provide meaningful themes and ideas for self expression in the arts. The arts express ideas about our culture, politics, religion, the environment, and etc. 
Qualifying connections between your personal interests expresses a personal creativity no one else can express. Monet spent six years creating his Giverny garden landscape for inspiration for his paintings. Images of elements from my garden landscape are expressed in my jewelry work with found objects. 
My definition of creativity involves my personal selection, arrangement, or organization of any chosen elements and materials already in existence. This is how I make something new that never before existed.  “Qualitative relationships” involve how things fit together. One senses or believes a particular juxtaposition of differing objects, materials or techniques take on new meaning compelling enough to raise new thoughts and questions about an old idea. JA

 Claude Monet's Paintings at Giverny

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