
"Assemblage" is the 3-D version of "collage”. "Found object fragments," "discards," or "throwaways" (artist's work to look at: Schwitters, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Bearden, etc.).

These things are organized by their specific elements. The resulting groups are then arranged into compositions of art.

Extending to many cultures of people living in family, religious, work, and various other groups; We could be viewed as a complex living version of "assemblage”(Webster 1. a group of persons or things gathered or collected).

We have “found” each other by chance; either by blood, common goals, or a certain chemistry. These connections help to formulate new ideas, innovations, and even new generations. John Anderson

Sunday, January 8, 2012

#5 “The arts make vivid the fact that words...nor numbers exhaust what we can know." Elliot Eisner

#5 “The arts make vivid the fact that neither words in their literal form nor numbers exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition.” Elliot Eisner
What this means to me?

Art is another language; another way to understand our world. 

What does an object’s form, shape, color, and texture reveal when words and numbers are not available to us? Ask an archeologist. 
“Archeology is considered a science and a humanity. It draws upon anthropology, art history, linguistics, and geology to name a few among many other disciplines. It’s purpose is to learn more about past societies and the development of the human race. Over 99% of the history of humanity has occurred within prehistoric cultures, who did not make use of writing. For many literate cultures, written records cannot be trusted as a sole source. Material records may be closer to a fair representation of the larger population.” (Wikipedia)
The distinct art object is fixed into existence for others to observe. The artist often takes something mundane, missed or rejected by others and raises it’s value to a larger purpose. The main objective for the artist is to be innovative and creative, making a one of a kind statement, and to be true to herself or himself.
Acting, dance, music, painting, photography, and sculpture, extend the “limits of our cognition” by providing a clearly perceptible and intense experience. Bright colors and animated forms provide a striking reality for the senses. The power of life with all it’s spirited ups and downs is expressed in art with lively presentation. Students learn about themselves in the arts. The arts teach the ability to think critically; to solve problems; and to synthesize long term goals into daily activity. JA

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