
"Assemblage" is the 3-D version of "collage”. "Found object fragments," "discards," or "throwaways" (artist's work to look at: Schwitters, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Bearden, etc.).

These things are organized by their specific elements. The resulting groups are then arranged into compositions of art.

Extending to many cultures of people living in family, religious, work, and various other groups; We could be viewed as a complex living version of "assemblage”(Webster 1. a group of persons or things gathered or collected).

We have “found” each other by chance; either by blood, common goals, or a certain chemistry. These connections help to formulate new ideas, innovations, and even new generations. John Anderson

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

“A Widening of the Lens” by Antwaun Sargent

“Her gaze is confident, a symbol of black motherhood, beauty and pride.”
“To convey black beauty is an act of justice,” says Tyler Mitchell.
“Tyler Mitchell is a part of a burgeoning new vanguard of young black photographers, including Daniel Obasi, Adrienne Raquel, Micaiah Carter, Nadine Ijewere, Renell Medrano and Dana Scruggs, working to widen the representation of black lives around the world [and] expand the view of blackness in all its diversity...
...they are challenging a culture that still relies on insidious stereotypes in its depictions of black life”...”exclusion of black works from mainstream fashion and galleries, artists are curating their own exhibitions, conceptualizing their own internet sites, and using their social media platforms, [receiving] comments on how their photographs powerfully mirror their own lives.”— black art as universal.” Antwaun Sargent

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